Tests that the target of touches match the element where the event originated, not where the touch is currently occurring. This is a limited version of test touch-target.html that avoids the situation where one touch point is released while another is maintained. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS event.type is "touchstart" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchstart" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchmove" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchmove" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchmove" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchmove" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchstart" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchstart" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchmove" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS event.type is "touchmove" PASS event.touches[0].target.id is "targetB" PASS event.touches[1].target.id is "targetA" PASS event.targetTouches.length is 1 PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE