To test manually, press keys and compare results to other browsers.

target - type - ctrlKey,altKey,shiftKey,metaKey - key - keyCode - charCode
INPUT - keydown - false,false,false,false - - 32 - 0
INPUT - keypress - false,false,false,false - - 32 - 32
INPUT - keyup - false,false,false,false - - 32 - 0
INPUT - click
INPUT - keydown - false,false,false,false -Enter- 13 - 0
INPUT - keypress - false,false,false,false -Enter- 13 - 13
INPUT - click
INPUT - keyup - false,false,false,false -Enter- 13 - 0
INPUT - keydown - false,false,true,false -A- 65 - 0
INPUT - keypress - false,false,true,false -A- 65 - 65
INPUT - keyup - false,false,true,false -A- 65 - 0